By Nicosia Smith

It blew the lid off
It blew the lid off
Tightly covered and smothered shut,
So squeezed in, that there was no room for expression
For Clear, Concise and open thought
Of what we felt, I felt
How to show, to say, to explain
‘I can’t breathe’
‘I can’t breathe’
‘Mama, Mama’
For 8 minutes and 46 seconds
‘You are going to kill me’
‘I can’t breathe’
We can’t breathe
Suffocating, a collective suffocation
And so with bottles, bricks and fist we fight
Fight for all those times, We could not breathe
For all those moments we could not speak
Could not articulate what we felt how we felt
Despite COVID-19
Despite death’s threatening droplets
That can kill us, yes kill us
We can’t breathe
We can’t breathe, chant in the streets
Must be known, must be felt, must be told
To you, to me and to the world
All in the world